Who Am I

My photo
21 Years Old, Female, Boyfriend Attached To The Hip, The Hip I Want To Jut Out And Fit In Perfectly With My Matching Collar Bones and Skintight Legs, While Taking Away Attention To My Beautiful Red Lines Scattered Across My Arms Like Ladders, Snakes Roam There, They Roam In My Mind, and Tell Me I'm Insane and I Have A Death Wish. But That's Just Me, I'm One of Millions Sharing A Piece Of My Story.

Friday, December 3

Goal Weight 2 Reached...Happiness Not Reached

Turns out being Vegan has it's benefits, not just because of IHD (something Heart Disease) Angina or something else, whatever, I just don't get to have caffeine which I drink anyway. Going Vegan, apparently helps the process of health and minimizes the cramps, which it by chance doesn't do, but my parents aren't forcing crap down my throat anymore, mostly veggies, steamed with vinegar a little salt and a teeny bit of pepper (I'm fasting so apologies for describing the freak-in food in detail).

I reached Goal Weigh number 2: 47 kg's, only 7 more to go, total of a round nice 20 lost ,yes please, (non-metrics: I'm 103 lbs, lost 44 lbs)...after this whole boring short post, I just deducted the fact that I was happy for literally a second, and then the number suddenly felt enormous, so fat piggy me will fast this weekend, until Monday, have to have some energy for work and we don't have caffeine tablets available in SA. (Suck Much!?)

I'm on a Gossip Girl week, g2g check Chuck out Team-Bass!

...Just Me.